Jeni Be

Jeni Barber

Hi Let me introduce me Jeni  

I am an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator and a Psychotherapist who has been working with clients for over 27 years. 

Beyond the clinical background that i already have , Access tools have opened up so much for me!
What are tools  and what way do you use them?
Well...  tools are techiques and questions that are simple,  and easy to use in an every day way.
Where in your life have you been stuck ? With realtionships, health, your body, pain, anxiety, sleep problems ?  
Some  of the techniques i use include Facilitaion, body processes®, Bars® energetic symphony sessions and verbal processing ...
What is all that and what do I require? Well can contact me for a chat about the tools.
The Access Tools® are about YOU KNOWING THAT YOU KNOW!  
What have they created for me, What Life changes have i embraced? 
read my story here ... :)
Jeni's story

. . . My parents would say that I have always been different. 
 I was hospitalised  before  i was 2 years old with severe allergies,  didn’t start talking till I was 4, and before "on the spectrum" was something society excepted , I was labeled as sensitive, cognitively slow and hyper... or to put it in to another way,  "different".

My sensitivities created problems. I struggled with one illness after another and eventually was diagnosed with M.E. suffering fatigue, depression, and had a lot of pain in my body. I followed the western medical route , until I became totally fed up with the amount of pills I was taking. The side effects they created sometimes were worse than the pain I was trying to change. I knew there had to be something else that would work for me so I trained in coaching, counselling and various hands-on alternative health techniques.  They all helped short term, always though after a time I came back to the usual cycles of pain , illness, and emotional liability. I kept searching. When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis I felt like i hit a wall . With Access Consciousness tools, Bars  and Body Processes  I then found a way around it, into discovering more of what else was possible for me and my body. 

Even with my own in-depth struggle with Multiple sclerosis , I have strived to create more possibilities. I have  worked with the MS society and created different programs for people to manage and over come their disabling long term illnesses. I have worked with groups, couples, families, and individuals to support them in their process. I have a passion to help others and to give them tools that can change their lives.

I have worked in GP’s surgeries and hospitals. My psychotherapy background allowed me to work and specialize with a vast array of illnesses such as depression, anxiety, OCD, grief, eating disorders, IVF , cancer ,  terminal  illness and death.  Working in  Private Hospitals in the Psychiatric Unit , i taught 6 week long running programmes helping many labelled as OCD, Bipolar, manic / clinical  depression  and anxiety. 

All these experiences have lead me to where I am now, I am so grateful for all of them. Even though its been a difficult path at times for me with illness , these life experiences have given me the strength and the knowing that there are other possibilities. Truly acknowledging that I am greater than any diagnosis, and thatI have a joy and gift that I can facilitate others to do the same.

Using the tools of Access Consciousness®, have given me some of the most dynamic change in my life.  For me to acknowledge who I really am and that I have a gift to share with the world.  That my differences are not wrong, they are actually a strength.  I discuss more of  this journey in my Introduction to Access Talks . 

The  sessions - Each session is unique . Some people get more ease with their bodies, more relaxation, better sleep, more self esteem, more joy. What would you like to have?

“Jeni has a gentle kindness and strength that I felt really safe to be all of me when I was with her, I knew that whatever I said she wasn’t going to judge it, no matter how crazy I sounded! Thank you Jeni for being a space that allowed me to discover more of me!”
                            - M. D.

I would like to invite you to a world of joy and excitement to be alive. Something that you may have always dreamt was possible but never knew could truly exist.  

What would you like to explore? And .....what else is possible?


All of life comes to us with Ease and JOY and Glory™  

UK and Worldwide Facilitator check out freebies on




Wow!  What an awesome session with Jeni today!  I feel so happy I could burst!  Like a totally different person!  Way more space and way more awareness of my capacities and capabilities and a real knowing.  I really feel I could be, do and create anything and Jeni has helped me to become more aware of the capacities that I have always had and wasn’t willing to acknowledge and I feel curious to discover more.  I have more clarity, more of me and a greater sense of what I desire to choose!  Thank-you , thank-you, thank-you.  {[P]


Massively lucked out on selecting the super cool Jeni BE to be my Foundation Facilitator back in September! How many changes have there been in my life since then?  More than I could ever believe was possible and now when I say what else is possible I am super excited 😊❤❤ [AF]


Lovely to hear your fantastic & inspiring talk on line the other day,l have m.s. & everything made so much sense from birth much to re-create ..l had just one day with access it blew me away ,ha,ha,but you know that ! my journey is one of healing.. the mission is so exciting .Thank you Jeni 

love [NW]


Months ago when I started doing access I read your testimony about how much your life had changed since your Classes  and that was the first time for me to believe that my life and also my body will change no matter what.  So, Thank you so much!  I'm grateful for you  [FB]




PLEASE please if any of this intrerests you CONTACT me ...  :)   either through my website on on the email on this profile  :)  i am open to chatting to you :) 


with Kindness Jeni 

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Date Événement Facilitateur Hôte Localisation Méthode
Date 29 mars 2025 - 31 mars 2025 Événement Être la source Facilitateur Gary Douglas
Jeni Be
Uk, , GB
In Person
Date 05 avr. 2025 - 05 avr. 2025 Événement Échange Access Bars Facilitateur Jeni Be
Nicky Craig
Hôte Localisation
Kilmarnock, near Glasgow, Ayrshire, GB

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““The Journey is Amazing! These tools have gifted me so much!! Access Consciousness opened the door for me to a world I always dreamt was possible but never knew could truly exist. This world is full of creative choices, with an easy joyful way of being in day to day living. its a joy to be alive and thrive!! What can the tools of Access consciousness gift you?”

- Jeni Be

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